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Red Oak Primary School Governors

Our Governors are:

  • Philip O’Hear - Chair of Governors

    Date of appointment: 18.10.2022 

    Term of Office:  4 years

    Type of Governor:  Trust; Chair of local governing bod

    Working Groups:  Chair Finance & HR; Member Premises and H&S Committee

    Responsibilities:  Finance; Teaching & Learning: Lead governor for standards and assessments

    Relevant business interests:  Freelance education consultant.  No business interests with Red Oak or Active Learning Trust.

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  Chair of Aim Academies Trust in Barnet, London and Chair of Governors of the London Academy which is part of Aim Academies.

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives: Not related to any other governor or any member of staff.

  • Heather Madsen - Headteacher

    Term of Office: whilst employed as HT.

    Type of Governor:  Head teacher

    Working Groups:  Finance & HR; Premises and H&S Committee

    Responsibilities:  Reporting to, and being held to account by governors on all areas.

    Relevant business interests:  None

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  Niece employed as a Teaching Assistant

  • Garry Newsome - Vice-Chair of Governors

    Date of Appointment: 01.09.2022

    Term of Office:  4 years

    Type of Governor:  Trust; Vice-Chair of local governor body

    Working Groups:  Premises/Health & Safety

    Responsibilities:  Health & Safety; Premises

    Relevant business interests:  I run a painting, decorating and property improvement business

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives: None

  • Stuart Halsey

    Date of Appointment: 01.09.2022

    Term of Office:  4 years

    Type of Governor:  Trust

    Working Groups:  Finance and Personnel

    Responsibilities:  Pupil Premium, PE Premium

    Relevant business interests:  Employed by Waveney District Council who deliver a number of local services

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  None

  • Justin Brown

    Date of Appointment: 21.06.2023

    Term of office: 4 years

    Type of Governor: Parent

    Working Groups: Premises and Health & Safety

    Responsibilities: Safeguarding, RSE

    Relevant business interests:  None

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  None

  • Jodi peek

    Date of Appointment: 11.11.2021

    Term of office: 4 years

    Type of Governor: Trust

    Working Groups: 

    Responsibilities:  Continuing Professional Development

    Relevant business interests:  None

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  None

  • Tara Gravells

    Date of Appointment: 21.06.2023

    Term of office: 4 years

    Type of Governor: Parent

    Working Groups: 

    Responsibilities:  PSHE

    Relevant business interests:  None

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  None

  • Imogen Riddles

    Date of Appointment: 21.06.2023

    Term of office: 4 years

    Type of Governor: Parent

    Working Groups: 

    Responsibilities:  SEND

    Relevant business interests:  None

    Details of any other educational establishments (if any) they govern:  None

    The relationships between governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives:  None

Governance roles

Please see below the Active Learning Trust information regarding Governors roles:

Please also see the links below that will take you to the ALT Trust Board and Governance pages:



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