ALT Values statement
The Active Learning Trust
Our values
- We recognise each school is different – we don’t look to impose a corporate style or identity on schools but we do have a common approach to maintaining the highest expectations.
- We believe our role is to help schools achieve excellence through the provision of support, advice and challenge of the highest quality.
- We are committed to a collaborative approach to our work, based on a shared understanding of what needs to be done, by whom and by when in order to maximise the impact of our work
- The Active Learning Trust seeks to promote a tolerant and informed view of the world and holds no political, cultural or religious affiliations. These core values underpin our commitment to provide the highest quality education for all our pupils so that they can go on to live fulfilling and responsible lives as active citizens.
- We will always be open and honest in our communication and welcome feedback .
- We always do what we say we will do.
- We will strive for excellence and quality in everything we do
- Our staff can expect support and advice of the highest quality, clarity about the expectations we have of them and the right and responsibility to share successes and concerns.
- We believe pupils in schools that are part of the Trust have the right to an excellent education and a responsibility to positively take part in school and community life to the best of their ability.
- We believe that parents are an important part of a child’s education and it is the responsibility of the Trust and schools to engage positively with parents to secure their support to raise attainment.
- We believe that strong Local Boards, acting as part of the Trust’s monitoring and evaluation of progress, are key partners to success.