Children's Mental Health
We are fully committed in supporting all aspects of children's development and mental health. This year, 2019-2020, we are continuing to develop our mental health provision at Red Oak.
Working together with our ALT North Suffolk family of schools, (Red Oak Primary School , Westwood Primary, Albert Pye Primary, Ravensmere Infants, Grove Primary and Reydon Primary School) the children from each school council devised a mental health and well being programme, called CHIMP. CHIMP means, Children’s Health Is Mental & Physical.
The schools then worked closely to decide what the children thought were important contributors to their Health. They devised the CHIMP dinner plate:

As a school we work through these over the academic year, during assemblies, circle time activities and within our daily curriculum offer. We started with eating and drinking healthily for the first half of the Autumn term. Sleeping and bedtime routines the second Autumn half term. Spring 1 Time to Talk and Screen Time. Spring 2 Hobbies. Summer 1 Managing Positive Friendships and Summer 2 Emotions and Physical Activity.