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Upper KS2 Maths videos for home learning - This is how we teach some of the Maths at Red Oak:

Dividing by 10 100 and 1000

Dividing by 10 100 and 1000.mp4

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 1 

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 1 .mp4

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 2

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 2.mp4

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 3

Mental Calculation Beat the Teacher 3.mp4

Multiplication 4 digit by 1 

Multiplication 4 digit by 1 .mp4

Multiplying by 10 100 and 1000

Multiplying by 10 100 and 1000.mp4

Ordering and Comparing Fractions 

Ordering and Comparing Fractions .mp4

Short Division including remainders

Short Division including remainders.mp4
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