Please click on the PDF to view the Red Oak PE Premium Impact Report:
To view the Red Oak Family Fitness Project please click on the YouTube link below:
To view the Red Oak 'Schools Against Racism' videos please click on the YouTube link below:
PE and Sports at Red Oak Primary School
At Red Oak we ensure that all of our children receive 2 hours of PE per week and we encourage all children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to take part in free lunchtime and after school sports and fitness clubs. Our school has a PE curriculum that ensures that children at our school learn a range of skills through games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and athletics. The skills that our students learn are progressive and the steps of progression are clear to see on our school’s PE curriculum overview. Children are assessed on these skills and the data is shared with the PE Coordinator on the school centralised pupil tracker system. Red Oak also strives to keep it’s students healthy and active by making students go for a daily walk or run during their lesson times and to stand in assemblies to encourage active movement and to help combat the rise in childhood obesity and the rise of type 2 diabetes.
Red Oak has been a pioneer school in making classrooms in the UK more active. In 2018 the school introduced ‘pedalling stations’ to allow children to cycle on mini desk pedals whilst they work in their lessons, this was to encourage children to be more active and to become healthier individuals. Red Oak officially became the first school in the UK to use this initiative and hundreds of schools around the UK have followed Red Oak’s example and introduced their own pedalling stations. Red Oak has been used as a model example school by the charity Diabetes UK as a school that is going in the right direction to combat the alarming rise of childhood type 2 diabetes and obesity. Red Oak was also named the Suffolk Physical Activity School of the Year in 2019, 2021 and 2022 at the Active Suffolk Sports Awards for having 90%-100% of it’s KS1 and KS2 children attending extra curricular sports clubs and for having 76% of it’s students representing the school in competitive sports against other schools. The school also won the Suffolk Virtual Games County Championships in 2020 during the school lockdowns when sporting competition between Suffolk schools was temporarily made virtual.
The school also organises 42 sports tournaments for local schools in North Suffolk a year, including tournaments consisting of advanced level events, beginner level events and inclusive events for students with SEND. Red Oak has a vast range of sports teams with the school’s internal staff training children five evenings a week in a range of sports, the impact of these sports clubs is clear to see with 90% of the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 attending after school and lunchtime clubs and the results have been reflected on the sports field with Red Oak winning 179 first placed sports tournaments in the past 9 school years. Red Oak has been awarded the Gold Sports Mark from The Youth Sports Trust and Sports England 4 times and this year Red Oak became the joint first school in Suffolk to gain the Platinum level Sports Games Mark Award from gaining 5 consecutive gold sports marks in a row.
The below information outlines the intent, implementation and impact of PE at Red Oak:
At Red Oak Primary School, PE and sports are a central part of our curriculum and this has been recognised through Red Oak being awarded the Gold Sports Mark 4 times and recently the Platinum Sports Mark accreditation by the Youth Sports Trust. The school currently provides two lessons of PE a week for it’s students, a vast range of after school sports clubs and daily lunchtime fitness clubs. The school also assesses students in PE and monitors the fitness levels of all students and creates interventions and after school clubs to help target children who struggle with their motor skills.
- The school intends to provide 2 hours of PE per week for every student.
- The school intends to have a rich curriculum that provides all children with lessons to develop their skills in games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming.
- The school intends to have competitive Advanced teams (A Teams) for it’s most able students and Beginners teams (B Teams) for children to raise inclusive sports and sporting opportunities and to raise participation levels.
- The school intends to organise 42 tournaments per year in a range of sports to develop competitive sports for the most able students (A Team tournaments) and inclusive tournaments (B Team tournaments for beginner students and students who may have SEND) and special needs sports tournaments (Partnered with Panathlon Games).
- The school intends to get more girls engaged and playing sports by having extra girls only sports clubs and girls sports tournaments.
- The school intends to get 100% of KS1 and KS2 students attending extra curricular sports.
- The school intends to monitor the fitness levels of all of it’s students and to provide extra curricular fitness clubs and incentives to develop the fitness of identified target children and groups in the school.
- The school aims to have sports clubs and tournaments organised and run by Year 5 and Year 6 student sports leaders.
- The school intends to educate all children about healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices by having classes to teach about nutrition, sleep, exercise and personal hygiene.
- The school intends to be an Active Movement School with children going on daily runs or walks around the school grounds to stay active and healthy. The school aims to get children moving in their lessons by having pedal stations in classrooms.
- To develop the oracy skills of students through PE lessons. To ensure that children have opportunities in their PE lessons to discuss tactics and viewpoints to develop their communication, leadership and vocabulary skills and knowledge.
- All students will receive 2 lessons of PE lessons per week.
- The school will have a curriculum plan to map out how PE is taught from Early Years up to the end of Year 6. This plan will show how skills are being taught and how the skills are progressive throughout the year groups and key stages.
- The school will have competitive A teams for its most able students and B teams for children to raise inclusive sports and sporting opportunities and to raise participation levels.
- The school’s PE Department will organise 42 tournaments per year in a range of sports to develop competitive sports for able students (A Team tournaments) and inclusive tournaments (B Team tournaments) and special needs sports tournaments (Panathlon Games).
- The school will have ‘girls only’ sports clubs and tournaments to engage more girls in extracurricular sports.
- The school will have a range of after school sports clubs running throughout the year. These clubs will be available to all year groups. The school will also have lunchtime clubs for every class in KS1 and KS2 to attend.
- The school will carry out fitness tests of all children in the school. Unfit children will be identified in these fitness tests and they will be invited to attend extracurricular clubs to improve their fitness levels and they will be given awards for reaching certain targets for example: Children will be rewarded with sports medals for being able to run for 5 minutes without stopping.
- The school will encourage students in Year 5 and Year 6 to apply to be sports leaders. Sports leaders will apply for their jobs and be taught about job interviews. Sports leaders will receive leadership training from PE staff and they will work with PE staff to help them to run lunchtime fitness clubs and to help run special needs sports tournaments and assist with umpiring and scorekeeping at after school sports events. Sports leaders will receive a ‘monitor badge’ to wear on their uniform and they will receive an end of year sports leadership award for their hard work in a celebration assembly.
- Students in the school will have Funtrition lessons to educate them on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. Children will have lessons and assemblies about nutrition, sleep, exercise and personal hygiene.
- The school will be an Active Movement School with children going on daily walks or runs around the school grounds to get regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. Children will have pedal stations in their lessons to allow them to exercise during activities in sedentary lessons.
- Staff will be trained in a staff meeting on how to develop the oracy skills of students through PE lessons.
- PE lessons will link to the school’s CHIMP project (Childhood Health is Mental and Physical).
- All students receive 2 lessons of PE lessons per week.
- Children receive a range of age appropriate lessons to develop their skills in games, dance, gymnastics, athletics and swimming.
- Currently 76% of the school’s students have represented the school in competitive sports against other schools.
- The school’s PE Department has organised 42 tournaments this year in a range of sports to develop competitive sports for able students (A Team tournaments) and inclusive tournaments (B Team tournaments) and special needs sports tournaments (Panathlon Games).
- The school has ‘girls only’ sports clubs and tournaments to engage more girls in extra curricular sports. These girls only training sessions have had an amazing impact with the school’s girls only football teams winning every local title for every year group last season: Year 3 North Suffolk ALT Champions, Year 4 North Suffolk ALT Champions, Year 5 North Suffolk ALT Champions, Year 6 North Suffolk ALT Champions, Year 6 North Suffolk Area Champions and Suffolk Football Association FA County Champions for 5 a side football
- 90% of children in Years 1-6 attended extra curricular sports and fitness clubs at Red Oak. This helped Red Oak to win the award for being North Suffolk Physical Activity School of the Year and Suffolk Sports School of the Year in 2019, 2021 and 2022 .
- The school has carried out regular fitness tests of its students, this data has been used to identify target students that need to develop their fitness levels. These children have all been invited to special fitness clubs to help them improve their fitness.
- The school organised the first primary North Suffolk Area tournaments that were organised and run by sports leaders from primary schools, this gained media attention.
- The school has a vast range of well-trained sports teams in both Key Stage 1 and Keys Stage 2 that have won 179 sports tournaments in the short space of 9 years.
- Since 2018, Red Oak sports teams qualified for 18 county and regional finals and 2 national finals in sports.
- Students in the school understand the importance of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. Children will have developed their knowledge in this area through lessons and assemblies about nutrition, sleep, exercise and personal hygiene.
- The school is an Active Movement school with children going on daily walks or runs around the school grounds to get regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. Children have pedal stations in their classrooms to allow them to exercise during sedentary lessons.
- The school has gained the Gold Sports Mark Award from The Youth Sports Trust 4 times and this year the school received the Platinum level award.
- Red Oak is the only North Suffolk area partnership primary school with the special needs sports organisation Panathlon Games. Red Oak worked collaboratively with Panathlon Games to help them run and organise tournaments for many local schools to attend.
- Children are able to demonstrate effective communication, leadership and vocabulary skills and knowledge through oracy in PE.
PE 2023 Action Plan Update Summary.
We will be making clear curricular links to PE, health and fitness and sports to educate children about the importance of being physically active and how it has positive impacts on our physical and mental health and wellbeing. In order to develop PE in the school we will be moving forward with the following action points from our PE subject development plan, which we set at the start of the school year:
Development Targets:
- To ensure the PE curriculum exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum.
- To ensure all children have fitness tests to identify target groups that need to develop their fitness.
4. To ensure that children have a recap quiz at the start of each PE lesson where they are asked 5 questions to recap their previous learning.
5. To ensure that children are taught key facts linked to their PE units each lesson.
6. To ensure all children are being accurately assessed in PE lessons and that these assessments are clearly shared with and used by class teachers.
8. To organise tournaments for local schools in the area to develop intra school competition and inclusive sports through B team tournaments and Panathlon sports events.
10. To work closely with Ipswich Town FC to organise 16 Ipswich Town FC North Suffolk Schools’ football tournaments to be held at Red Oak
To view Red Oak's PE progressive skills-based curriculum document please click on the PDF: